

(13) ISCC Case: Malaysia Genting - YouTube




(00:27) the ICC system suits our sustainability approach as it is one of the most progressive set of sustainability standards covering topics such as reduction of GHG emissions sustainably use of land protection of our diversity and social accountability nevertheless ICC certification has suddenly added a new dimension to our sustainability approach as it has created greater awareness and added impetus in implementing good agricultural practices environment safety and health systems and ensuring compliance with consumer

(01:06) requirements such as GHG emission reductions our oil mills are committed to observe the Streeters performance standards and we continue to taken proactive approach in implementing technologies and innovation that not only enhance operation efficiency of all meals but reduce carbon footprint we went one step further adopting the latest green innovation for our two moments one knee beside process automations and energy efficiency features such as in excel and dota scene management system venting Jamuna immune was designed to include other unique

(01:48) technology the zero dilution milling process significantly reduced the quantities of palm oil mill a film generated and a zero discharge technology which will give me any discharge request under the judicial system no waste is discharged to the environment as all the biomass and efforts are repossessed in the cupboard composting plant to produce organic fertilizer in addition to that the compost is of aerobics forces under the command Felix activity whereby there is no between generator IC c plus offers applications no need for food but also

(02:34) for feet in other applications we are committed to a mutually beneficial growth that incorporates the well-being of our stakeholders our workers and the local communities in Arizona we hope ICC will continue to provide support and understand a growing desire of companies like this one our sustainability initiatives the miracle recognized internationally we look forward for market uptake of ICC plus certified palm oil products in the near future and ICC plus provides certification of sustainable sources of palm oil and family programs for food

(03:15) feet and other non R&D the ice assisted vacation provides important validation of our sustainability approach and has allowed us to assess new markets we are otherwise not be considered for today we are proud to be recognized as suppliers for certified sustainable palm oil thanks to ICC you


最後編輯者為楊聰榮Edwin Tsung-Rong Yang,時間為0分鐘前



(13) ISCC Case: Malaysia Genting - YouTube
(13) ISCC案例:馬來西亞雲頂 - YouTube



Transcript: 文字記錄:

(00:27) the ICC system suits our sustainability approach as it is one of the most progressive set of sustainability standards covering topics such as reduction of GHG emissions sustainably use of land protection of our diversity and social accountability nevertheless ICC certification has suddenly added a new dimension to our sustainability approach as it has created greater awareness and added impetus in implementing good agricultural practices environment safety and health systems and ensuring compliance with consumer
(00:27) 國際商會(ICC)系統符合我們的可持續發展方法,因為它是一套最具進步性的可持續發展標準之一,涵蓋了減少溫室氣體排放、可持續土地利用、保護生物多樣性和社會責任等議題。然而,ICC認證突然為我們的可持續發展方法增添了新的層面,它在實施良好農業實踐、環境安全和健康系統以及確保符合消費者要求方面創造了更大的意識和推動力

(01:06) requirements such as GHG emission reductions our oil mills are committed to observe the Streeters performance standards and we continue to taken proactive approach in implementing technologies and innovation that not only enhance operation efficiency of all meals but reduce carbon footprint we went one step further adopting the latest green innovation for our two moments one knee beside process automations and energy efficiency features such as in excel and dota scene management system venting Jamuna immune was designed to include other unique
(01:06) 我們的油廠致力於遵守Streeters的績效標準,以滿足減少溫室氣體排放等要求。我們持續採取積極主動的方式,實施技術和創新,不僅提升所有油廠的運營效率,還減少碳足跡。我們更進一步採用了最新的綠色創新技術,為我們的兩個油廠引入了自動化和能源效率功能,例如Excel和Dota Scene管理系統。Jamuna Immune的設計還包括其他獨特的功能

(01:48) technology the zero dilution milling process significantly reduced the quantities of palm oil mill a film generated and a zero discharge technology which will give me any discharge request under the judicial system no waste is discharged to the environment as all the biomass and efforts are repossessed in the cupboard composting plant to produce organic fertilizer in addition to that the compost is of aerobics forces under the command Felix activity whereby there is no between generator IC c plus offers applications no need for food but also
(01:48) 技術上的零稀釋研磨過程顯著減少了棕櫚油廠所產生的薄膜數量,並且採用零排放技術,在司法體系下不會有任何排放要求,所有的生物質和努力都被回收在堆肥廠中,生產有機肥料。此外,堆肥是在菲利克斯活性指令下進行的有氧力量,因此不需要發電機IC C加提供應用,也不需要食物

(02:34) for feet in other applications we are committed to a mutually beneficial growth that incorporates the well-being of our stakeholders our workers and the local communities in Arizona we hope ICC will continue to provide support and understand a growing desire of companies like this one our sustainability initiatives the miracle recognized internationally we look forward for market uptake of ICC plus certified palm oil products in the near future and ICC plus provides certification of sustainable sources of palm oil and family programs for food
(02:34)對於其他應用中的腳部,我們致力於一種互利共贏的增長,並將利益相關者、我們的員工和亞利桑那州的當地社區的福祉納入其中。我們希望ICC能夠繼續提供支持,並理解像我們這樣的公司對可持續發展的渴望在國際上得到認可的奇蹟。我們期待ICC plus認證的可持續棕櫚油產品在不久的將來能夠在市場上得到接受,而ICC plus提供了可持續棕櫚油來源的認證和家庭食品計劃

(03:15) feet and other non R&D the ice assisted vacation provides important validation of our sustainability approach and has allowed us to assess new markets we are otherwise not be considered for today we are proud to be recognized as suppliers for certified sustainable palm oil thanks to ICC you
(03:15) 腳和其他非研發部門的冰輔助假期為我們的可持續發展方法提供了重要的驗證,並使我們能夠評估我們今天不考慮的新市場。我們很自豪能夠因國際商會的支持而被認可為可持續棕櫚油的供應商


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