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on January 27, 2024 at 12:12:18 am


(13) ISCC Case: Sweden Lantmannen - YouTube




(00:31) lamp and a great ethanol is a 14 year old company into ethanol and feed production we put sustainability very high on the agenda over the years we have through continuous improvement processes and I think today we are in the forefront with respect to GHG savings and when we have to certify it was very important for us to really get the trustworthy partner with a good market acceptance and a good reputation in general and that's why we chose to work with is ICC which since then has been now working good for us really

(01:13) actually this year we have been doing to project which will improve HD savings considerable first we invested in a carbon capture plant which take care of the majority of our carbon dioxide emission from the fermentation we are also now starting up another project where we take care of food waste from bakeries and retail from the beginning in the ethanol plant was based on reigns barley triticale and Ray but also some corn and the challenge I would say is on the crane side actually rains coming from 6,000 farmers

(01:55) in Sweden so the challenge for us is actually to keep track of everything since a few weeks we're actually using food waste this is just an example of the product week now can receive so in order to process this in our plant we needed a new facility and a new machine to D package this the product gets milled into smaller pieces and put into their regular ethanol plant we produce bio-ethanol you actually are producing three different types of products ethanol loading feed and carbon dioxide five months ago we didn't

(02:41) capture the carbon dioxide we ventilated atmosphere so now we capture it and liquefy it and purifying it to a product that could be used for beverages first of all we of course would like to continue the good cooperation we'd have the ICC that is very important that the always in the forefront with respect to our certification we also considering whether we start to fiber feed products on a sustainability point of view which you think there will be a market for in the future to be looking forward to the

(03:12) del taco corporation you



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